3 Bck Pain Exercises To End Back Pain Forever
- Sharp Knee Pain When Kneeling Down
Youare not alone when it comes to back problems. Did you know that atsome point 80% of Americans suffer from some type of pain in theirback? With that in mind, the 3 easy to follow back pain exercisesbelow will give you the pain relief you have been looking for.
Sowhat causes back pain in the first place?
Thevast majority of pain in the lower back is caused by decreasestrength in the core muscles that support the lower spine. The ideahere is if you strengthen those core muscles, you reduce the stresson your lower back and your back pain will go away.
BEFOREyou begin these exercises to strengthen your back , it is veryimportant that you keep your abdominal muscles tight throughout theworkout.
ALSOremember to breathe normally, DO NOT hold your breath at any pointduring the workout.
SidePlank Exercise – Builds strength andendurance in your core. It is ideal for keeping the lower back secureand protected during movements that require the hips and back.Howto do Side Plank Exercise:
Lieon your left side place elbows directly under shoulders. Tighten yourabs while lifting your hips off the floor. Keep neck aligned withspine and hips square. Hold for 30 seconds then lower hips back tofloor. Repeat 3 times on each side
BackExtension Good for strengthening lower back muscles.
Howto do Back Extension:
Lieface down, legs together and stretched out, arms bent with handsbehind neck, head and neck in a neutral pose. Lift the upper body(chest, shoulders) off of the ground (exhaling as you do thisaction). Go as high as comfortable and keep position for 2 seconds.Breathe in and slowly return to the starting position. This completesone rep. Do 3-5 reps and increase when you get stronger to a maximumof 10 reps.
PelvicTilt – If you have poor posture or suffer from muscle atrophythis exercise will help to stabilize your spine.
Howto do Pelvic Tilt:
Lieon your back with feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Loosen upyour spine muscles, press your back flat against the floor whilecontracting your abdominal and buttock muscles, and. This exercisewill angle your hip forward. When your back is completely flat ,maintain the pose for 10-15 seconds. Start with 3 reps then increaseby one rep every other day until you reach a maximum of 12 reps.
Theseback pain exercises will get you started on the path to beingpermanently PAIN FREE.