Learn How Coconut Oil Helps In Weight Loss

By John A. Ross

There are many foods and food choices that are often overlooked in their effect and in their aiding character when it comes to weight loss. There seems to be the tendency to avoid things that people don’t know or haven’t heard about. An example of this idea would be the use of coconut oil. You may wonder now, but don’t worry over the course of this article we will explain to you how coconut oil helps in weight loss.

First of all, you have to understand that not all oils contain fats that are bad. We differentiate between unsaturated and saturated fats. You want to avoid unsaturated oils and mostly use saturated oils, such as coconut oil. This will allow you to reap certain benefits such as increased metabolism. Coconut oil consists of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) and long chain fatty acids (LCFA). These two variations are the mains reasons why coconut oil will help you to lose weight.

Every time you eat something you will affect your metabolic rate. This is due to cells increasing their activity to facilitate digestion of the food you have just put in your mouth. Therefore some foods negatively affect your metabolic rate and other affect the rate favorable. Coconut oil is something that will do the latter, which is due to the above mentioned fatty acid variations, MCFA and LCFA.


Coconut oil will increase your metabolic rate which in turn will increase your metabolism. This will affect the amount of calories that your body burns while doing normal activities. In return you will have the benefit that you will burn more calories throughout the day just by adding coconut oil to your diet or rather use coconut oil to replace the bad oils in your diet. You will easily kill two birds with one stone if you do this.

You shouldn’t be afraid of adding oil to your diet. There is a lot of negative talk about how this will make you even fatter or make weight gains come quicker. All this negative talk is nonsense, as long as you adhere to the rules. Every time you add something on top of your diet and don’t change anything, you will gain weight as the caloric intake will be greater. With something like coconut oil though, you will add some calories, but will automatically also increase caloric expenditure so that you will not gain any weight but more likely lose it.

All in all as you can see, there are many benefits to adding coconut oil to your diet. You will not only be losing weight but you will also enjoy experiencing something new by experimenting with coconut oil. This way you can have fun and lose weight. Hopefully we have explained sufficiently how coconut oil helps in weight loss and you feel ready now to go out and purchase some coconut oil to make use of its fantastic attributes. Your body sure will be thankful.

About the Author: John Ross writes about

Natural Weight Loss

daily in his blog. In his new article his talks about

Coconut Oil Weight Loss

and all the benefits of adding it in your diet.



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