What You Should Know About Atv Or All Terrain Vehicle

What You Should Know About ATV Or All-Terrain Vehicle



All-terrain vehicles are four-wheeled buggies. However, they are not confined to the four-wheeled kinds because you can have three-wheeled, six-wheeled or eight-wheeled kinds. Despite the variations in the ATVs, there are more common types such as dune buggy. This is an off-road vehicle that has been built to travel special terrains like dunes and beaches. You can ride on this as you traverse rocky paths and muddy roads.

What people know about ATVs or all-terrain vehicles is that they are four-wheeled buggies. In getting a full knowledge about this kind of vehicles, you will discern the different kinds of all-terrain vehicles, and they are not confined to the four-wheeled kinds. You can have three-wheeled vehicles known as tricycles as well as six and eight-wheeled transportations that are designed for specialized uses.

Despite the variations in the ATVs, there are more common types such as dune buggy. This is an off-road vehicle that has been built to travel special terrains like dunes and beaches. You can ride on this as you traverse rocky paths and muddy roads. There is one light vehicle that gets its power from traction kite. This is also a buggy, called kite buggy.


The most common however is the four-wheeled versions that are known in different names such as quads, quad cycles or quad bikes. Today, you will find in the market two kinds of all-terrain vehicles. These are the sports and utility models.

Difference between the sports ATV and the utility ATV

The sports model of all-terrain vehicles is usually light. These are small two-wheeled drives that can easily accelerate fast. The transmission is manual and it had been designed to reach a speed of 70 miles per hour. The sports model is basically built for racing purpose and also for the off-road recreation. The reason why it had been built light was based on the racing purpose. This is high-powered that has good suspension and low center of gravity. When modified, the sport models are used for races like motor cross, desert and drag racing as well as speed way activities.

The utility ATVs are bigger kinds of vehicles that had been designed with four-wheel drive. This could be slower than the sport counterpart because it can only reach a speed of 60 miles per hour. This is not implemented for racing purposes but for hauling small loads. The utility ATV can also be used to tow small trailers. Designed with four wheel drive, the utility vehicle is equipped with long travel suspensions. Added feature is the liquid-cooled two-stroke motor. Because of the power of the utility ATV, it is used extensively by farmers, ranchers and workers.

Without the proper know-how in driving an ATV, a driver and rider can be subjected to different accidents such as loss of control and overturning. Another common accident is collision with moving or fixed object. Safety precaution is provided so that no passenger ejection from all-terrain vehicles happens.

It may be very difficult to comprehend the use of the all-terrain vehicle. But it is more important to understand that the use of this vehicle is very dangerous. Thus, every driver and rider should be forewarned on the precautionary measures that are needed to prevent incurrence of any accidents.

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